Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I got into the Danskin Triathlon for August 18! It's a women's only race in Seattle. There are many, many Team Survivor Northwest women doing it. I won't get to race with them (can't go in the survivor wave) but I'll be there through out the day. It's a fairly low-key race even though there are thousands of people. It's not *quite* up to the Ironman competitiveness level. More like women learning to ride a bike or swim for the first time in order to do the race with friends.

1 comment:

Emily said...

i have the perfect bike for you! you can use my giant. since you'll be racing after my ironman, i can even put my race wheels on it for you. you'll go super fast!! congrats on getting in - it's a tough race to get into! we're totally going for an 8-hour ride when you're out here.