Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thank you to everyone who supported me for the Seattle Marathon.

Last year, the weather was terrible for the marathon. About 36 degrees and raining. I watched it for a half hour by my house before I pulled my frozen self back home. This year the weather was beautiful- clear, crisp, and (gasp) sunny and warm at the end. Well, Seattle warm, so about 40 degrees.

Emmy ran with me from mile 9 to the end. The paparazzi (Mom, Dad, Cat and Brian) found us at mile 9, 17, 23 and 25. Emmy had given them a cowbell to cheer us on. Fabulous!

I finished in 4:29. Not what I wanted. It wasn't the easiest marathon I've done and I'm trying to figure out why. It's hilly but I trained on hills and did the mileage. Oh well.

My left foot/ankle hurts now and I'm not sure why. Not swollen, not black and blue, only when I walk on it, standing is fine, not muscular. Sprained? I'll take it easy for a week and hopefully it'll go away.

I raised about $800 for Team Survivor Northwest. Thank you to everyone! We're having our post-marathon party tonight and I'm looking forward to celebrating with our team!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

First Annual Tri-Sister Blog Entry.

What seemed like a spectacular idea has turned, in fact, to the greatest ever. 3 sisters, 2 parents, one 12 lb turkey, and a dash of Henry and you've got a tradition in the making.
The uncharacteristic sunny Seattle weather has allowed for the sort of exploration and discovery demanded for the inaugural visit to a new town. Dad has played tour guide on this, his second visit, showing favorites from his first. Mom has let go of the map only long enough to gasp into oncoming traffic. The newlyweds have played proficient hosts to a species of navage thirsty for more: local beer, regional wine, and the local caffeine scene.

Off to watch Apple Cup. Go UW!

Wishing Kansas the best (hi, Craig)!

The redundant trio

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

There's a fresh coating of snow on the Olympics. It's going to be colder this week and Mt. Baker ski area will probably open by Thanksgiving. We're planning a snowshoe weekend around my birthday.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The family is coming! The family is coming!

The Supernavage clan will be here in about 10 days. Very exciting!

I just realized last night that it also means that I have to prepare Thankgiving dinner. Or at least plan a large part of it. Hmmm. Happily, Cat and Mom are great cooks. And Emily is no longer a vegetarian.

What size turkey do I get? Any recipie suggestions?

The photo: On his way home from work, sometimes Brian passes by the Neuhaus store with their marzipan mushrooms. He picked the leaves from the yard and presented them on a platter.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

While John was in town, we went to Gas Works Park. Enjoy the photos.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Frosted leaf

Frosted leaf
Originally uploaded by Ronn70
The leaves have all changed and are almost gone. It's been dry but chilly. I walked to work this morning and there was frost on the leaves and cars. Pretty but it's officially fall. I'm trying to convince Brian to go apple picking on Saturday.
John came out and visited us last weekend (thank you for visiting!). Lots of fun things! Brian even took the whole weekend off to be with John. Brunch at Glo's, hanging out at Gas Works Park, visiting the U-District, and playing frisbee in Volunteer Park. And the Red Sox won the World Series! We watched the games last weekend. We finally found THE place in Seattle to watch Red Sox games with lots of fans.

As some of you know, my boss at Team Survivor Northwest is no longer on staff. It's a big hole and the rest of us are trying to fill it. I'm now a grant writer. The writing is fairly straight forward but the budget items are confusing. Every foundation wants different information and gives each category a different, ridiculous name (like "off-site out of pocket expenses" instead of "printing and mailing costs"). I'm writing two and I'll let you know how that goes.

The running is going well. We did a big chunk of the course last weekend. The course is beautiful. You run from the space needle, through downtown, across Lake Washington (on I-90 express lanes), along Lake Washington for about 10 miles, up through an old, peaceful wooded area, around a mansion district, and back to the space needle. It is a bit hilly but nothing too dramatic. The biggest hill is much, much shorter than my walk to the bus stop every morning.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back on Sunday.