One week to go...
Is it over yet? I'm on every Democratic and environmental email list possible. Some funny person also put me on the McCain/Palin and Maryland Republicans lists too.
This is a snippet from one of today's "funny" emails.
The McCain health plan builds on the employer-based system.
Employers will have the same incentive to provide health insurance as they do today since they will continue to deduct the cost of health insurance they provide to employees.
For example, a 25-year-old employee in the 25 percent tax bracket with a $2,500 tax credit could purchase a policy in the individual market for the same amount. Why would people choose fewer benefits for more money?
Really? Because last time I researched health care plans in WA, they're at least $350/month for basic coverage. That's $4200/year/person in a small business. I don't think health care companies are in the business of working with individuals to ensure the best care at the lowest price. And employers are jumping at the chance to pay for their employees' health insurance. I guess we'll continue with the stellar rate of 35% of Americans under 65 as uninsured or underinsured.
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