Updates updates!
Whoops. I've slacked on blogging again.
- Emmy came to visit over President's Day weekend. Lots of fun. We got haircuts (I got bangs!), made homemade sushi (love Uwajimaya), hung out at Gas Works Park, saw a crazy show at Cha Cha and I made her walk up 1000 stairs.
- Speaking of stairs, I'm planning on doing the "Big Climb" on March 16. It's a benefit for lukemia research. You take the stairs up the Columbia Tower, the tallest building building in Seattle. Some people do it as a race but I'll just walk up. It's 700+ vertical feet or about 1300 stairs.
- I had my yearly checkup. This year, because I've hit a milestone, she did a blood test. Turns out I'm anemic. So I'll eat tons of red meat, take supplements and get re-tested in 2 months. That explains the passing out after giving blood and weird heart palpitations.
- Brian is almost done his research for his thesis. Next step: writing the thesis.
- I'm headed to Boulder at the end of March to visit Emmy. Let's see if I can convince her to move to Seattle. hee hee.
What's new with you guys?
les bangs are tres adorable cherie! and: you are a lean mean stairclimbing machine! miss you! new email: goerlitza@gmail.com
p.s. thats me up there, liz!
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