Brian got a summer job!
He's going to work for King County Metro (the transit system of Seattle). Focusing on downtown and South Lake Union, he'll work to get residents, developers, businesses, and Seattlites to use public transportation.
For all of the planning jobs, he's been interviewing against all of his classmates. There's a limited number of planning students and planning internships. It's been totally awkward for me.
Me: "Hi, Bob, classmate of Brian. What's new?"
Bob: "Oh, just classes. And I've been interview for internships."
Me: "What kind of jobs are you looking for?"
Bob: "Only exactly the same as Brian is looking for. Oh, and I've already interviewed with them and it went really well. I'm excited."
Me: "Oh. Um, how about those Mariners?"
Bob: crickets....
Congrats Brian! Sounds like a cool job. See you guys this summer!
Congrats on the job!
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