Awesome. It's just like "Best in Show." You think I'm kidding, right? No.
Yes, it was less showy, less classy. This was the competition for the Tacoma Club, not Westminster. But all parts were there.
Prissy, tiny dogs getting their hair straightened, then hairsprayed. Check.
Uptight yuppy couple with boring dog. Check.
Gay couple with tiny dogs (all dogs are siblings by the way). Check.
Country guy with bad outfit and a hunting dog. No, it was a St. Bernard. Check.
Outrageously coiffed poodles. Check.
People gossiping about handlers and which dog s so prized that he has his sperm sent to Japan to sire more show dogs. Check.
Dogs with monogrammed blankets, coats, and dog beds. Check.
And all of the dogs are totally cute. Well, not the whippets. The big dogs' owners will let you pet them.
My favorite part to watch was the obedience competition. All different breeds, divided between beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Part of it is just handler and dog. Sit, stay, come, heel, fetch. Then all the dogs get together in a line the handlers say "Stay" and then walk away. The dogs have to sit together and not move for a whole minute (see picture above). I think two dogs fell asleep.
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