Tuesday, August 09, 2011

She's long and lean.
Weight 16 lbs 8 oz (5th percentile) but gained 2 pounds in 3 months, more than most babies when they're crawling, cruising, and busy all the time. 
Height 28 3/4 inches  (50th percentile)

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Whew!  Josie will be one tomorrow.

Here are some photos from our photos that I have just downloaded.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

We took Josie camping last weekend.  We had planned to go to Leavenworth and the strong hikers would do the Enchantments loop trail but this was not the year.

Instead, we did two nights at Mineral Springs Campground, a National Forest campground near Blewett Pass.  We brought the whole pack and play this time and set it up in the tent.  She slept well both nights.  It took her a bit to fall asleep on Saturday (45minutes) but overall did really well. 

On Saturday we did an amazing hike.  Everyone planned to start the hike in the Esmerelda Basin.  Josie, Sadie and I would break off after a mile or two and head back.  The strong hikers would continue on a loop hike.  But Josie was doing well at two miles.  And three miles.  And four miles!  She took a nap along the trail in the backpack and woke up refreshed.  What a gorgeous hike.  The trip really boosted our confidence for both hiking and fun camping with her in the future.