Catch up time: since the last posting Alicia + Brian have been on vacation, gotten a Costco membership, enjoyed the PacNorthwest by hiking and camping, inherited 35 pounds of free range beef, Dragonboat festivals, planted a veggie garden, triathlons (yeah Alicia kicked major ass!) and who knows what else. I'm here for the weekend - a much needed break from work. The new house is amazing, super cute and just perfect. A lot of space, open rooms and lots of light. Alicia and I did a bike tour of Seattle on Saturday while Brian brought home the beef. It was so fun and such a cool new way to see the city and discover new places. We hit all the best bakeries, book fairs, Space Needle and of course Anthropologie - you know what a shopaholic Alicia is! I had to tear her away from the stores. We've eaten a dozen cupcakes (I know they are going to be scarce in Brussels), played with Alicia's hair, taken mass transit, drank 16 cups of coffee (we're wired!) and sat on the back porch a whole lot. And yes Brian's beermaking ability continues to improve while his dancing still needs a little help. Here are some pics from our weekend. Fun times. Love you guys!!