We had a fabulous Thanksgiving week. It was wonderful to have Alicia's family visit (sadly, minus Emmy). Agnes was a super star of handy house projects, vastly improving our little house. You name it: kitchen floor, kitchen sink facet, patching wall holes with putty and paint, fixing the drain in the bathroom sink, finding the water main and carport power. In addition Agnes, Charles and Alicia painted of the dining room in awesome yellow.
Cat came on Wed. and really raised the Thanksgiving bar with delicious onions, squash and brussels sprouts with pomegranate balsamic reduction, indian spices, and toasted pecans respectively. Alicia made a tasty blueberry pie while Agnes whipped up her amazing stuffing and turkey. Charles made sure we had plenty of tasty coffee and Top Pot donuts. A good time was had by all.
So much happened. Snoqualmie Falls, japanese gardens, oysters, pho, Loews, apple cup, and poker of course. A highlight was Alicia and Charles birthday dinner at Sitka and Spruce. Each bite was superb, unique, perfectly prepared - the lamb's tongue was the favorite.
This was a great welcome to the holidays, and a special warming of our house. Many photos were taken that I do not have, but I'll get them up when they're shared around. Until then, here's the perfect thing for leftover turkey, and Alicia and Cat at Kubota Gardens. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas!