Thank you to everyone who supported me for the Seattle Marathon.
Last year, the weather was terrible for the marathon. About 36 degrees and raining. I watched it for a half hour by my house before I pulled my frozen self back home. This year the weather was beautiful- clear, crisp, and (gasp) sunny and warm at the end. Well, Seattle warm, so about 40 degrees.
Emmy ran with me from mile 9 to the end. The paparazzi (Mom, Dad, Cat and Brian) found us at mile 9, 17, 23 and 25. Emmy had given them a cowbell to cheer us on. Fabulous!
I finished in 4:29. Not what I wanted. It wasn't the easiest marathon I've done and I'm trying to figure out why. It's hilly but I trained on hills and did the mileage. Oh well.
My left foot/ankle hurts now and I'm not sure why. Not swollen, not black and blue, only when I walk on it, standing is fine, not muscular. Sprained? I'll take it easy for a week and hopefully it'll go away.
I raised about $800 for Team Survivor Northwest. Thank you to everyone! We're having our post-marathon party tonight and I'm looking forward to celebrating with our team!