I'm still unemployed. I've been job searching and interviewing. But it's between holidays and no one is posting or interviewing. grrrr...
But I can go to the climbing gym whenever I want. Morning, noon and night. And thanks to the internet, I can job search in my PJs.
And my parents visited Seattle for the first time last week! The weather fully cooperated so we got to do all of the tourist things plus some. We did the Space Needle, took a ferry to Bainbridge, toured Pike Place Market, ate salmon, saw the Ballard Locks, did some Christmas shopping, and drank lots of coffee and beer. They loved our neighborhood
Memorable moments:
- Mom, "your neighborhood isn't as sketchy as I thought it'd be!"
- Dad's ability to eat Top Pot donuts immediately after a full breakfast
- Watching the sun set over the city and Mt. Rainier on the ferry ride back home from Bainbridge
- Dad sitting on our couch before dinner, "I can watch the traffic patterns from your apartment!"
- Brian loving the cheese we got at Pike Place
- Going to a sports bar to watch the Seahawks-Broncos game and Mom making a game out of figuring out the NFL flags around the bar "Arizona what? Chicago who?"
- Dad presenting Brian with a Stella glass as "something any good son-in-law should have"
- Pretending to have been spying on Brian studying in the apartment from the Space Needle
Anyone else want to visit Seattle? Maybe in the spring?